The music industry is a growing sector in today’s world economy, especially in the Arab world where musicians are diversifying and the audience is widening and opening more and more. In Lebanon, the independent music sector is lacking the infrastructure and means to develop. As the sector is limited by numerous challenges, artists and professionals in the sector are surrounded by opportunities that they struggle to identify and seize. The Mejwiz program aims to address these issues by providing support to the independent music sector in Lebanon.
Mejwiz Music Program focused on capacity building activities, strengthening network and collaborations between artists and professionals of the sector, and giving exposure to Lebanese independent musicians. This was achieved through the organization of the following events: a focus group between professionals of the sector to discuss challenges and opportunities and trigger common collaborations, workshops on entrepreneurship and music copyrights, music residencies to provide space, equipment and one-to-one trainings to artists selected through an open-call. Following these events, a CD compilation of 17 musical titles from musicians was produced and distributed to increase their exposure.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and the Goethe-Institut promote the emerging market of cultural and creative industries in Africa and in the Middle East. This workshop is implemented by GIZ in collaboration with Mada Association within the framework of the Mejwiz program.